LGBTQIA+ Resource Lounge

The George Washington University (GW) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual (LGBTQIA+) Lounge Center celebrates and supports sexual and gender diversity, equity, and inclusion by providing comprehensive educational, support, and advocacy services. These services include educational workshops, special events, and mentoring designed to empower LGBTQIA+ students, faculty, and staff to achieve academic excellence, embrace personal wellness, and pursue professional success. The LGBTQIA+ Resource Center also invites and prepares all members of the GW community to give voice to our shared values of diversity, equity, and inclusion as allies with and for LGBTQIA+ individuals on campus, in our local community, and around the globe. 

The LGBTQIA+ Resource Lounge is in Room 514 of the Multicultural Student Services Center, 800 21st Street NW (Fifth Floor). Students are welcome to utilize the Resource Lounge during the building hours. For more information, call 202-994-4568 or email [email protected].  We would love to know you!

Let's Stay Connected!

Finding friends and connecting with campus resources among staff and faculty help LGBTQIA+ students thrive, and the LGBTQIA+ Resource Lounge is here to help!  Building community is what we do best, whether by sponsoring an LGBTQIA+ Resource Center Open House or celebrating National Coming Out Day.  Come join us as we show and share our GW LGBTQIA+ Pride

Workshops That Work For You!

Need a refresher on all the emerging terminology describing sexual and gender identities? Ever wonder why people are making such a big deal about gender pronouns and gender-inclusive bathrooms? Want to be a better ally with and for your LGBTQIA+ friends, classmates, and community members, but are not sure where to begin? Then our workshops are for you!  We will explore diverse identities of gender and sexuality while discussing the coming out process and how to be an ally with all the LGBTQIA+ people.  All are welcome!    

To request a workshop that can be tailored to meet the needs of your Student Organization, staff office, or academic department, please email [email protected].

Student Organizations and LGBTQIA+ Leadership!

Whether you are interested in joining a gay fraternity or learning more about LGBTQIA+ Jewish Life, GW has the right student organization for you! To learn about all the ways you can get involved and become an LGBTQIA+ student leader, check out our registered student organizations here.

Academics and Queer Studies!

Have you ever thought about including LGBTQIA+ coursework and research into your academic career? GW offers you two academic tracks to do just that!  

First, you can pursue an academic minor in LGBT and Sexuality Studies. Housed in and administered by the Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Program, this minor is in keeping with the mission of the Women's Studies program: an interdisciplinary program dedicated to research, teaching, and practice on gender as it intersects with race, class, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and other socially important categories. The minor draws on the work of a significant community of faculty working in various parts of LGBT and Sexuality Studies scholarship. View more information about the minor.
Secondly, you can pursue a Graduate Certificate in LGBT Health Policy and Practice. This Graduate Certificate—the first of its kind in applied health for the LGBT community—trains current and future healthcare leaders to develop strategies that address health issues and reduce health disparities for LGBT people. The one-year, 18-credit program provides students with a solid base in the psychological, medical, and policy-based issues faced by LGBT individuals. Visit the GW Bulletin for specific requirements.

Be in the Know About LGBTQIA+ Terminology!

As our understanding of gender and sexuality expands, many new terms are being used to describe our amazing diversity. Here is a list of terms often used to describe the diversity of gender and sexual identities.  

If you have any questions and/or suggestions, feel free to contact the LGBTQIA+ Resource Center at [email protected]

What are the differences between sex, gender, and gender identity?

It’s common for people to confuse sex, gender, and gender identity.  But they’re actually all different things.

  • Sex is a label — male or female — that you’re assigned by a doctor at birth based on the genitals you’re born with and the chromosomes you have. It goes on your birth certificate.
  • Gender is much more complex: It’s a social and legal status, and set of expectations from society, about behaviors, characteristics, and thoughts. Each culture has standards about the way that people should behave based on their gender. This is also generally male or female. But instead of being about body parts, it’s more about how you’re expected to act, because of your sex.
  • Gender identity is how you feel inside and how you express your gender through clothing, behavior, and personal appearance. It’s a feeling that begins very early in life.

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Attractions come in all shapes, sizes, and colors!

Too often, romantic and sexual attractions are considered one and the same. However, they can be distinct.

Sexual attraction involves desire for a sexual relationship and/or sexual contact with someone.

Romantic attraction involves desire for an emotionally intimate relationship with someone, which may or may not include sexual activity. 

Some people are also asexual, which means they have no sexual attraction for others; whereas some people are aromantic, which means they do not have romantic interests in others.

Gender pronouns are important for all of us!

Nothing may be more personal than how people refer to us through our name and pronouns. Using a person’s chosen name and pronouns is a form of mutual respect and basic courtesy. Everyone deserves to have their self-ascribed name and pronouns respected at GW.

The experience of being misgendered when someone uses incorrect pronouns can be hurtful and angering. The experience of accidentally misgendering someone can be embarrassing for both parties, creating tension and leading to communication breakdowns.  

At GW, we do our very best to show our respect for others by using appropriate terms, including gender pronouns. When we make mistakes (hey…it happens!), we correct ourselves, apologize if appropriate, and continue to grow and learn together as a community.

If you are unsure about someone’s gender pronouns, try introducing yourself with your name and pronouns and ask your new friend for their name and gender pronouns.

Give A Little and Get A Lot!

Did you attend GW and now want to support current LGBTQIA+ students and programming? Great! 

Here is how you can help:
•    Offer your time to mentor a current LGBTQIA+ student and/or speak at GW on your area of expertise
•    Offer your tax-deductible financial support to co-sponsor an LGBTQIA+ program or event

The GW LGBTQIA+ Resource Center also works hand-in-hand with Out and Allied, GW’s LGBTQIA+ Alumni Association.  Join GW Out and Allied.

Thank you for supporting LGBTQIA+ students at GW!