SAHC History

Past South Asian Heritage Celebrations

SAHC 2021: Connected... but Six Feet Apart
South Asian Heritage Celebration 2021 - Connect but six feet apart


SAHC Theme: Connected... but Six Feet Apart

Join the university community in celebrating the history and cultural expression of the people of various South Asian countries including, but not limited to, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Republic of Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka!

Remember when a certain celebrity's shirtless selfie presented itself as the largest threat to humanity in 2020? Well, little did we know about the chaos that would later ensue on every part of the globe. Living "virtually" has dramatically changed how we experience life, but we have made it this far through boundless connections in an online world.

Whether we are six feet or 8,000 miles apart, the digital world has allowed us to maintain relationships with the people we care about most, even if family is a flight or more away. As we navigate a new world, social media has given us a platform to connect, speak out against injustice, and find strength through unity: one post, repost, retweet, or like at a time. Those small acts of support add up. You can never get too lonely. Your parents, your best friend, even your Nani is just a FaceTime away!

In a year like no other, staying apart does not have to mean losing our connections. Despite the turmoil driven by the global pandemic, we can stand united with one another. Join the SAHC in being "Connected… but Six Feet Apart" virtually throughout March and tune into conversations on the topics that keep us connected, using the platforms that allow us to do it whether we are in the same town or across the globe.

SAHC 2020: Rooted In Culture, Made in the Diaspora
SAHC 2020 Promo


SAHC Theme: Rooted In Culture, Made in the Diaspora

Join the university community in celebrating the history and cultural expression of the people of various South Asian countries including, but not limited to, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Republic of Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka! The 2020 South Asian Heritage Celebration (SAHC) theme, “Rooted in Culture, Made in the Diaspora”, will explore the interconnection between the past and present. Despite the challenges, the community continually incorporated their cultural values and traditions into their daily lives through clothing, music, food, dance, and art. Last year’s theme was about acceptance, and this year’s theme is taking the next step by celebrating how the current generation embraces their South Asian roots and proudly expresses their culture in their everyday lifestyles.

SAHC 2019: Unapologetically Brown #NoFilter
SAHC 2019 Promo

SAHC Theme: Unapologetically Brown #NoFilter

SAHC Keynote: Tan France

SAHC 2017: Brownian Motion: Diffusing the Model Minority
2017 South Asian Heritage Celebration

SAHC Theme: Brownian Motion: Diffusing the Model Minority

SAHC 2016: Rethinking Brown
SAHC 2016 Promo

SAHC Theme: Rethinking Brown