Hannah Youssef

Hannah Youssef

Hannah Youssef

Assistant Director

Hannah Youssef (she/her/hers) is the Assistant Director of the Multicultural Student Services Center (MSSC) at George Washington University. Hannah’s current approach to her higher education work is centered in community building, empathy, and authenticity. She is passionate about the protection of underrepresented students’ quality of life through a holistic lens, including advocating for students’ physical, mental, and emotional wellness as a tool for retention and academic success.

Prior to joining the MSSC team, Hannah was the Program Associate of NYU Steinhardt’s Office of Diversity, Equity, and Belonging. In this capacity, she designed and instructed the First-Year Student Leadership Seminar, organized study away and experiential learning initiatives, executed the Scholar-in-Residence Program with Dominique Jackson, spearheaded basic needs insecurity resource development, and served on the NYU Global Inclusions Officer Council. Hannah also bolstered her educational equity and anti-racism experience through her work at the Graduate School of Arts and Science’s Office of Academic and Student Affairs (OASA). At OASA, she designed and implemented LGBTQ+ and BIPOC centered programming, food insecurity data collection and resource development, and served on the GSAS Diversity and Pedagogy and Teaching Committees. 

Hannah obtained her Master’s degree in Higher Education and Student Affairs at NYU Steinhardt. In her graduate program, she focused her research on areas such as United States tribal colleges and universities, marginalized student retention, higher education food insecurity, and Tara J. Yosso’s cultural wealth model. Hannah’s passion for diversity and educational equity stems from her educational career at UMass Amherst, where she earned a Bachelor's degree in International Justice and Human Rights, and worked for the Women of Color Leadership Network, Upward Bound, and Shaha: The Storytellers social justice education theater group.