Mx. Mitchell R. Foster, MPA

Mx. Mitchell R. Foster

Mx. Mitchell R. Foster, MPA

Interim Director

Mitchell (they/them/theirs/siya) was born, raised, and educated in the Philippines and earned their master’s in Public Administration and Gender Studies from California State University, Chico. Mitchell has spent most of their professional career in student affairs doing DEI and assessment work within a Residential Education context. They have centered their work in queer and feminist theories, Filipinx and multiracial studies, and indigenous ways of being; inclusive of indigenous peoples from the Philippine Islands. They are interested in and have done work around transgender/non-binary identity education, Filipinx consciousness, bi/multiracial experiences, and spirituality outside and inclusive of organized world religions. Mitchell has recently developed an interest in learning more and delving deeper into Immigration Law and Policy because of their recent experience in petitioning their mother to come to the United States. To fill their cup, Mitchell likes to see a show (or two) with friends either on and off Broadway in New York City or at the Kennedy Center. They also volunteer at the Library of Congress on the weekends to meet people and to be involved in the Washington, DC community.